25% korting op alle vintage lampen OP LAMPEN VANAF € 190,-
Stock: 455 Piece
Article code: 3-0549
Technical state

Je hebt nog wel een stelring (i.g.v. stang) of trekontlaster (i.g.v. snoer) nodig

Opening is uit te vijlen wanneer je grotere diameter (zoals M13) nodig hebt

Material: black coated metal
Colour: black
Outer Diameter (cm): 9.5 (3.7 inch)
Internal Depth (cm): 2.8 (0.9 inch)
Diameter of opening (cm): 1.0 , M10 (0.39 inch)
Heigth (cm): 2.9 (1.1 inch)


Undeep black metal ceiling cap. Can be used to finish hanging your lamp nicely. This model cap is also available in rough surface iron or with a white coating.

If you use this ceiling cap on a cord, you need a strain relief  to clamp the cap to the ceiling.

If you use this cap on a pipe, you can use a slip ring .

If you do not use a cord restraint or slip ring (adjusting ring), the cap will fall down along the wire or rod.

Pay attention; so this is a somewhat flat ceiling cap, which means that you have less space to get rid of your terminal block.

Ceiling cap for lamp, black coated metal, shallow model
Ceiling cap for lamp, black coated metal, shallow model


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