25% korting op alle vintage lampen OP LAMPEN VANAF € 190,-
Stock: 1 Piece
Article code: 3-0508
Technical state

Je hebt nog wel een stelring (i.g.v. stang) of trekontlaster (i.g.v. snoer) nodig

Opening is uit te vijlen wanneer je grotere diameter (zoals M13) nodig hebt

Material: brass
Colour: gold
Outer Diameter (cm): 14.0 (5.51 inch)
Internal Depth (cm): 6.2 (2.44 inch)
Diameter of opening (cm): 1.0 , M10 (0.39 inch)
Heigth (cm): 6.3 (2.48 inch)


Copper cap in a round and tapered shape. To be placed against the ceiling and thus beautifully conceal the hanging hook of the lamp and the terminal block. Note: you still need an slip ring to place the cap tightly against the ceiling.
